New beginnings!


My New Years resolution was to make my email blasts more exciting.  Thanks to my fantastic business coach  Dwight  Porter (, my new format will include photos as well as the occasional video.  If your email provider is Hotmail you may experience a small glitch when reading the newsletter. In the body the text header may be sent twice. Please scroll down to the middle of the page to connect to the links. We are hoping to to resolve this problem.

In the next few weeks we will launch my new blog site, where you will find great tips on how to move, downsize and keep your life organized.  Follow the up’s and downs of a professional organizer as well as the adventures I endure connecting  a buyer with a seller.  This has HGTV written all over it.


My New Years resolution is complete…….WHAT WAS YOURS???????


 Keep it Simple,

Click below to be connected to: a gallery full of before and after photos. my website where you will find information on how to simplify and organize your home and life. to find me on Facebook.


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